Office Bearers-ASMSI.
Chief Adviser, International Relations and Cooperation – Mr Vijendra Singh, Former President ICAO (ANC), Strong Promoter of Aviation Safety.
Director General– Air Cmde BS Siwach AVSM YSM VM.Ex Senior IAF Pilot and Instructor, Former Secretary General, RWSI.
Secretary General– Air Cmde HPS Natt SC. Former Senior Helicopter Pilot, Instructor, Air Force and Civil.
Secretary– Mr Suraj Pandey- GM Regulations,OSS Air Pvt ltd.
Treasurer– Mr Satyavir Singh- CEO Life Line group of Company’s.
Delhi Chapter.
President– Dr Navneet Singh,Director, Medical Air Ambulance Services-EMSOS, Director ,Emergency Medicine, Rock land Group of Hospitals,Aviation Enthusiast.
Secretary– Mr MS Boora. Chief of Flight Safety PHL.Member, NAST.
Mumbai Chapter.
President– Capt Sanjay Karve. Director Aviation,Maharashtra.
Pune Chapter
President– Air Marshal BN Gokhle. PVSM AVSM VM Former Vice Chief of Air Staff, Consultant DRDO ARDE.
Secretary – Gp Capt Bhakoo.
Bengaluru Chapter–
President -Air Vice Marshal M Sundarm. Former Assistant Chief of Air Staff Training and Chairman Air Force Sports Control Board, Present CEO,AVOMATS.
Secretary–Air Cmde Ashit Mehta. Ex Senior Fighter Pilot, Test pilot,IAF.
President- Capt Ajay Chauhan- CEO GUJSAIL .
Secretary- Ms Sonali Singh Manager Quality Assurance GUJSAIL.
Jaipur Chapter-
President – Capt Keshri Singh, Director, Civil Aviation Department , Jaipur.
Chennai Chapter.
President-Wg Cdr PW Kervinkop. Manager Fligth safety and Training,Blue dart Aviation.
Secretary –
Bhuvneshwar Chapter-
President –Mr Vivek Pattanayak IAS. Former, Secretary, Energy. Govt of India, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation Representative of India on the Council of International Civil Aviation Organization in Montreal, Canada.
Chandigarh Chapter.
President – Air Cmde GS Cheema. Ex Senior Helicopter Pilot and Principal Director, Transport and Helicopters, IAF, Member on Panel AAIB,India.
Secretary –