Top 15 Airports in World Ranked by Aircraft Departures, Passengers and Volume of Freight in October 2018 YoY basis: ICAO

In terms of aircraft departures, the Top 15 airports reported a growth of +2.9% YoY. All the Top 15 airports posted YoY increases. Chicago retained the 1st position with a growth of +5.4%, followed by Atlanta (+1.5%). The strongest growth in operations was recorded by Denver at +7.9% and Frankfurt at +6.3%. New Delhi Airport ranked at 14th place with a YoY increase of 4.2%.

In terms of passengers, the Top 15 airports reported a growth of +3.1% YoY. All the Top 15 airports posted YoY increases, except for Tokyo with a decline of -3.7%. Two Chinese airports, Guangzhou and Beijing, topped the list in terms of YoY increases at +6.3% and +6.0%, respectively. Atlanta remained at 1st with a growth of +1.2%, followed by Beijing. New Delhi Airport ranked at 15th place with a YoY increase of 4.2%.

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Aviation Safety Network

The Aviation Safety Network is a private, independent initiative founded in 1996. On line since January 1996, the Aviation Safety Network covers accidents and safety issues with regards to airliners, military transport planes and corporate jets. The ASN Safety Database contains detailed descriptions of over 10,700 incidents, hijackings and accidents. Most of the information contained in the Aviation Safety Network site is based on information from official sources (authorities, safety boards). Sources used as a basis for the accident database are aircraft production lists, ICAO Aircraft Accident Digests since 1952, and NTSB, TSB etc.