
The Society Membership will constitute of the Founding Life Members, Life Members, Corporate Members, Members Cat (A), Cat (B),Cat (C), Affiliate Members, Honorary Members.

Founder and Life Members

Membership of ASMSI under this category will be for Life Time. The ASMSI will invite individuals who have been associated with aviation in any capacity and/ or who wish to contribute to the safety of Aviation in the country, to become members of the Society. Members of public can also volunteer to become members of the Society and their application will be considered on merit by the Society.

Corporate Members

ASMSI will invite Corporates to become members of the Society which will be for a duration extending from one year to Life Time.

Life Members Cat (A),Cat (B) ,Cat (C) 

ASMSI will invite Aviation Professionals who are willing to contribute towards achievement of the objectives of ASMSI. Membership under these categories will be Life Time.

Honorary Members

In order to honor some eminent individuals who have made significant contribution to Aviation and Safety, ASMSI will invite such individuals and confer them the title of Honorary members of ASMSI.

Affiliate Members.

 ASMSI will invite Aviation and Safety related Societies and eminent organizations in India and abroad to become Affiliate Members of the Society and can offer Affiliate Membership to such organizations after mutual consent.

Rights and Privileges- ASMSI Members

Founder Members-Vote during elections to the Governing Board, Annual General Body Meetings and be part of the Governing Board Members.

Life Members-Vote during elections to the Governing Board, Annual General Body Meetings.

All Members from various categories will be invited to all the Seminars, Workshops, Presentations, Lectures and functions conducted by ASMSI .

Remunerations for the full time as well as part time work related to the objectives and development of the Society (Any Member with preference given to Founder and Life Members).

Receive copy of E- weekly (All Members)and hard bound Copy of Quarterly Aviation Safety India magazine free of cost at the addresses given (Only Founder Members).

All Members can use the Title “MASMSI” i.e. Member Aviation Safety Management Society of India to their name.


  • Founder Members- Rs 7500/- One Time
  • Corporate Members –   Rs 75000/ -year, Rs 15000/- three years. Rs 1,00,000/- Life Time.
  • Life Members- Rs 5000/-.,One Time
  • Members ,Cat (A)-   Rs 2500/-One Time
  • Members Cat (B)- Any amount below Rs 2500/-One Time.
  • Members Cat (C) -Free
  • Honorary Members – Free.
  •  Affiliate Members- Free

Membership Form– Click here for download  


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