
Proactive Safety Initiatives by Aviation Safety India Online SMS Training by Aviation Safety India on 22,23 Dec 23 and Free Assistance in Conducting DGCA Mandated Flight Safety Seminar.

Proactive Safety Initiatives by Aviation Safety India Online SMS Training by Aviation Safety India on 22,23 Dec 23 and Free Assistance in Conducting DGCA Mandated Flight Safety Seminar.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Greetings from the Aviation Safety Management Society of India.
To enhance the Safety of Aviation Operations in the country, Aviation Safety India will be conducting Free SMS Training, Online on 22,23Dec 23.
In addition,5 Days of SMS Training, 5 Days of Quality/ Lead Auditors Training,5 Days of Accident Investigation and crisis Management Training, and Human Factors Training will be conducted by Aviation Safety India. to promote Safety Awareness among Aviation Personnel.
All the Operators are requested to make use of this opportunity to get all their personnel trained on SMS.
SMS training of all the personnel of the Operators will go a long way in preventing accidents and promoting safety.
After the successful completion of the training, the names of the Candidates who successfully complete the SMS Training will be forwarded to DGCA along with a copy to the Operators.
Several requests have been received from the Operators to help them in conducting Flight Safety Seminars. Aviation Safety India will be happy to help the Operators to conduct the Flight Safety Seminar, Free of Cost.
Kindly give your requirements to or WhatsApp to 9871251590, by providing the Name, Email ID, WhatsApp Number, License Number, and Name of the Company, of the Candidates.

Thanking You
With warm Regards
Air Commodore BS Siwach, AVSM YSM VM (Veteran)

Director General

Aviation Safety Management Society of India
New Delhi

Proactive Safety Initiatives- Video Presentation on Precautions During Winter Flying-Aviation Safety India.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from the Aviation Safety Management Society of India(ASMSI).

ASMSI is committed to the promotion of Aviation Safety in the country and has been taking a number of Proactive Steps to enhance the Safety of Aviation Operations in the Aviation Industry.

Winter is around the corner and with it, the various Hazards related to flying during the Winter Season.

ASMSI has uploaded more than 32 Video Presentations on various Aviation safety-related topics on YouTube.

We are happy to share the Video Presentation on Precautions to be taken by the Operators, Pilots, ATC, and Met Department to ensure Safe Flying during Winter Months.

The Video presentation Link is -

We look forward to your involvement, interest, commitment, cooperation, and support to promote Safe Flying environments in the country.

Please share with your friends and colleagues to create awareness about winter hazards and precautions to be taken by them.

Wishing everyone a very Happy and Safe Flying During Winter Months.

Thanking You

With warm Regards

Air Commodore BS Siwach, AVSM YSM VM (Veteran)

Director General

Aviation Safety Management Society of India

New Delhi.


Free SMS Training for Aviation Personnel by Aviation Safety India on 01,02 Sep 23

Dear Sir/Madam,
Greetings from the Aviation Safety Management Society of India.
In order to enhance the Safety of Aviation Operations in the country, Aviation Safety India will be conducting Free SMS Training, online on 01,02 Sep 23
In addition,5 Days of SMS Training, 5 Days of Quality/ Lead Auditors Training,5 Days of Accident Investigation & Crisis Management Training, and Human Factors Training will be conducted by Aviation Safety India. to promote Safety Awareness among Aviation Personnel.
To date, Aviation Safety India has trained around 4000 Candidates free of cost from various organisations including DGCA, Airport Authority of India and Air India, etc.
All the Operators are requested to make use of this opportunity to get all their personnel trained on SMS.
SMS training of all the personnel of the Operators will go a long way in preventing accidents and promoting safety.
After the successful completion of the training, the names of the Candidates who successfully complete the SMS Training will be forwarded to DGCA along with a copy to the Operators.
A number of requests have been received from the Operators to help them in conducting Flight Safety Seminars. Aviation Safety India will be happy to help the Operators to conduct the Flight Safety Seminar, Free of Cost.
Kindly give your requirement to or WhatsApp to 9871251590, by providing the Name, Email ID, WhatsApp Number, License Number, and Name of the Company, of the Candidates.
Knowledge and Awareness are Keys to Safety.
Thanking You

With warm Regards
Air Commodore BS Siwach , AVSM YSM VM (Veteran)

Director General

Aviation Safety Management Society of India
New Delhi

Free SMS Training for Aviation Personnel by Aviation Safety India on 25,26 Aug 23

Dear Sir/Madam,
Greetings from the Aviation Safety Management Society of India.
In order to enhance the Safety of Aviation Operations in the country, Aviation Safety India will be conducting Free SMS Training, online on 25,26 Aug 23
In addition,5 Days of SMS Training, 5 Days of Quality/ Lead Auditors Training,5 Days of Accident Investigation & Crisis Management Training, and Human Factors Training will be conducted by Aviation Safety India. to promote Safety Awareness among Aviation Personnel.
To date, Aviation Safety India has trained around 4000 Candidates free of cost from various organisations including DGCA, Airport Authority of India and Air India, etc.
All the Operators are requested to make use of this opportunity to get all their personnel trained on SMS.
SMS training of all the personnel of the Operators will go a long way in preventing accidents and promoting safety.
After the successful completion of the training, the names of the Candidates who successfully complete the SMS Training will be forwarded to DGCA along with a copy to the Operators.
A number of requests have been received from the Operators to help them in conducting Flight Safety Seminars. Aviation Safety India will be happy to help the Operators to conduct the Flight Safety Seminar, Free of Cost.
Kindly give your requirement to or WhatsApp to 9871251590, by providing the Name, Email ID, WhatsApp Number, License Number, and Name of the Company, of the Candidates.
Knowledge and Awareness are Keys to Safety.
Thanking You

With warm Regards
Air Commodore BS Siwach , AVSM YSM VM (Veteran)

Director General

Aviation Safety Management Society of India
New Delhi

Proactive Safety Initiatives by Aviation Safety India-Free SMS Training for Aviation Personnel-07,08 Jul 23

Proactive Safety Initiatives by Aviation Safety India-Free SMS Training for Aviation Personnel-07,08 Jul 23

Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from the Aviation Safety Management Society of India.

In order to enhance the Safety of Aviation Operations in the country, Aviation Safety India will be conducting Free SMS Training, online on 07,08 Jul 23.

In addition,5 Days of SMS Training, 5 Days of Quality/ Lead Auditors Training,5 Days of Accident Investigation & Crisis Management Training, and Human Factors Training will be conducted by Aviation Safety India. to promote Safety Awareness among Aviation Personnel.

To date, Aviation Safety India has trained around 4000 Candidates free of cost from various organisations including DGCA, Airport Authority of India and Air India, etc.

All the Operators are requested to make use of this opportunity to get all their personnel trained on SMS.

SMS training of all the personnel of the Operators will go a long way in preventing accidents and promoting safety.

After the successful completion of the training, the names of the Candidates who successfully complete the SMS Training will be forwarded to DGCA along with a copy to the Operators.

A number of requests have been received from the Operators to help them in conducting Flight Safety Seminars. Aviation Safety India will be happy to help the Operators to conduct the Flight Safety Seminar, Free of Cost.

Kindly give your requirement to or WhatsApp to 9871251590, by providing the Name, Email ID, WhatsApp Number, License Number, and Name of the Company, of the Candidates.

Knowledge and Awareness are Keys to Safety.

Thanking You

With warm Regards

Air Commodore BS Siwach, AVSM YSM VM (Veteran)

Director General

Aviation Safety Management Society of India

New Delhi


Mail Delivery Subsystem

Proactive Safety Initiatives by Aviation Safety India-Free SMS Training to Aviation Personnel on 22,23 Jun 23

Proactive Safety Initiatives by Aviation Safety India-Free SMS Training to Aviation Personnel on 22,23 Jun 23
Dear Sir/Madam,
The Mission of the Aviation Safety Management Society of India (ASMSI) is to spread Knowledge and Awareness among Aviation Stakeholders to ensure that they contribute to the Safety and Efficiency of Aviation Operations in the Country.
ASMSI is taking various steps and initiatives to enhance the safety of Aviation Operations in the country through sharing knowledge and Awareness with the various stakeholders in the Aviation Industry. The conduct of free SMS Training for Aviation personnel has been one of the key initiatives of ASMSI and to date, ASMSI has conducted more than 4000 SMS training for Aviation Professionals, Free of Cost, since 21 Jan 21.
ASMSI has uploaded 32 Videos on Aviation Safety related subjects on the YouTube Channel of Aviation Safety India for the benefit of Aviation Stakeholders.
ASMSI will be conducting free SMS Training for all the categories of Aviation personnel on 22 and 23 Jun 23 at 1500 Hrs on both days. On successful completion of the Training, the Names of the Candidates will be forwarded to DGCA with a Copy to the Operators.
ASMSI also will be conducting the following types of DGCA mandated Training as required by the Operators for their personnel: –
(a) 5 Days of SMS Training which includes 2 Days of SMS Training,1 Day of Accident Prevention Training,1 Day of Accident Investigation Training, and 1 Day of Safety Audit Training.
(b) 5 Days Lead/ Quality Auditors Training.
(c) 5 Days of Management of Flight Safety Program, Basic Accident Investigation, and Crisis Management Training.
(d) SMS Training-Initial 2 Days and Recurrent 1 Day.
(e) Human Factors Training both Initial and Refresher.
It is pertinent to mention here that the Training Standards at ASMSI are the best in the Aviation industry since our instructors are highly knowledgeable, experienced, dedicated and fully involved to ensure that the trainees receive quality training.
ASMSI Instructors have undergone Train the Trainer and other related Training and are compliant with DGCA SSP Circular No2/2023 dated 22 Feb 23 and other instructions of DGCA on the conduct of Safety and Human Factors related Training.
Kindly give your requirement for the training to, WhatsApp No 9871251590.
All the Operators are requested to make use of the opportunity of Free SMS Training for their personnel to equip them with knowledge and awareness so that they can contribute to enhancing safety standards in your Company.
Remember Knowledge and Skill are Key to Safety.

Thanking You
With warm Regards
Air Commodore BS Siwach , AVSM YSM VM (Veteran)
Director General
Aviation Safety Management Society of India
New Delhi

Proactive Safety Initiatives- Video Presentation on Precautions During Monsoon Operations

Proactive Safety Initiatives- Video Presentation on Precautions During Monsoon Operations

Dear Sir,

Greetings from Aviation Safety Management Society of India (ASMSI).

ASMSI is an all India Registered, Not for Profit Society, with the objective of promotion of Safety of the entire spectrum of Aviation Activities in the Country. ASMSI is fortunate to have a large number of highly experienced, qualified and knowledgeable aviation professionals of repute as its Esteemed Members.

ASMSI is deeply concerned about the safety of Aviation Operations in the country and is taking proactive steps to complement the efforts and initiatives of DGCA to maintain high standards of safe flying environments.

The monsoon/Rainy Season, which is around the corner, is known to pose a number of hazards to flying and has been the cause of many weather-related accidents/incidents around the world.

Weather is the biggest enemy of the Pilots and has been responsible for a large number of serious accidents around the world.The unfortunate and very  serious fatal accident, at Kozhikode Airport, is still fresh in our minds. Hence, it is essential that  the Pilots have good knowledge about the various Weather phenomenon and its  avoidance in an informed and responsible manner.

ASMSI has been working overtime to enhance Aviation Safety Standards in the Aviation Industry and has prepared a Video presentation on Precautions to be taken during Monsoon Flying. The Video Presentation  (Attached) is  aimed to create awareness among various stakeholders about the hazards associated with Monsoon Season and steps which can be taken to prevent any occurrences due to adverse weather conditions.

It is an acknowledged fact that Safety concerns all the stakeholders and everyone right from top to bottom has an important role to play. Hence, it is essential that CEOs, Accountable Executives/Managers, Head Operations, Safety, Training, Maintenance, Pilots, Safety Managers, Marketing Executives, Dispatch, Ops, Maintenance, and other supporting staff are fully involved to ensure Safety and Efficiency of the Operations.

Senior Management has a significant role to play in promoting Safety Culture in their respective organisations and they should be at the forefront to provide Safety assurance through sincere and serious implementations of Safety Management System in their organisation, keeping in mind the Monsoon related hazards. Operators should ensure high standards of Flying, Ground and Simulator Training, Support and Guidance to the Pilots to prepare them to face the challenges of flying during adverse weather conditions.

Flight following and close monitoring of the progress of the flights and weather developments should be ensured by the concerned officials. ATC, Met Department and Company Dispatch should be proactive, alert, vigilant, situationally aware and provide timely assistance, accurate and timely weather information and runway condition.

Sound Knowledge, Awareness, Professional Planning, Preparations, Adherence to SOPs, Rules, and Regulations by the Pilots and  Supervision, Monitoring and full Involvement of Senior Management are Key to the Safety of Operations.

Let us all join hands to make sure that there are no flight safety-related occurrences during this Monsoon Season.

Knowledge and Awareness are Key to Safety.

Video URL-

For your Viewing Pleasure please.

Thanking you

With warm Regards

Air Commodore BS Siwach AVSM YSM VM (Veteran)

Director General (9871251590)

Aviation Safety Management Society of India

New Delhi.


Proactive Safety Initiatives by Aviation Safety India-Free Online SMS Training by Aviation Safety India on 05,06 May 23 and Free Assistance in Conducting DGCA Mandated Flight Safety Seminar

Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from the Aviation Safety Management Society of India.

In order to enhance the Safety of Aviation Operations in the country, Aviation Safety India will be conducting Free SMS Training, online on 05,06 May 23.

In addition,5 Days of SMS Training, 5 Days of Quality/ Lead Auditors Training,5 Days of Accident Investigation & Crisis Management Training, and Human Factors Training will be conducted by Aviation Safety India. to promote Safety Awareness among Aviation Personnel.

To date, Aviation Safety India has trained around 4000 Candidates free of cost from various organisations including DGCA,Airport Authority of India and Air India, etc.

All the Operators are requested to make use of this opportunity to get all their personnel trained on SMS.

SMS training of all the personnel of the Operators will go a long way in preventing accidents and promoting safety.

After the successful completion of the training, the names of the Candidates who successfully complete the SMS Training will be forwarded to DGCA along with a copy to the Operators.

A number of requests have been received from the Operators to help them in conducting Flight Safety Seminars. Aviation Safety India will be happy to help the Operators to conduct the Flight Safety Seminar, Free of Cost.

Kindly give your requirement to or WhatsApp to 9871251590, by providing the Name, Email ID, WhatsApp Number, License Number, and Name of the Company, of the Candidates.

Knowledge and Awareness are Keys to Safety.

Thanking You

With warm Regards

Air Commodore BS Siwach, AVSM YSM VM (Veteran)

Director General

Aviation Safety Management Society of India

New Delhi


Proactive Safety Initiatives by Aviation Safety India-Free Online SMS Training by Aviation Safety India on 30,31 Mar 23 and Free Assistance in Conducting DGCA Mandated Flight Safety Seminar

Proactive Safety Initiatives by Aviation Safety India-Free Online SMS Training by Aviation Safety India on 30,31 Mar 23 and Free Assistance in Conducting DGCA Mandated Flight Safety Seminar

Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from the Aviation Safety Management Society of India.

In order to enhance the Safety of Aviation Operations in the country, Aviation Safety India will be conducting Free SMS Training, online on 30,31 Mar 23.

In addition,5 Days of SMS Training, 5 Days of Quality/ Lead Auditors Training,5 Days of Accident Investigation & Crisis Management Training, and Human Factors Training will be conducted by Aviation Safety India. to promote Safety Awareness among Aviation Personnel.

All the Operators are requested to make use of this opportunity to get all their personnel trained on SMS.

SMS training of all the personnel of the Operators will go a long way in preventing accidents and promoting safety.

After the successful completion of the training, the names of the Candidates who successfully complete the SMS Training will be forwarded to DGCA along with a copy to the Operators.

A number of requests have been received from the Operators to help them in conducting Flight Safety Seminars. Aviation Safety India will be happy to help the Operators to conduct the Flight Safety Seminar, Free of Cost.

Kindly give your requirement to or WhatsApp to 9871251590, by providing the Name, Email ID, WhatsApp Number, License Number, and Name of the Company, of the Candidates.

Knowledge and Awareness are Keys to Safety.

Thanking You

With warm Regards

Air Commodore BS Siwach, AVSM YSM VM (Veteran)

Director General

Aviation Safety Management Society of India

New Delhi
